Monday 2 April 2012

New Blog Detailing H&F Council's Flawed West Ken And Gibbs Green Dealings

Richard Osband
Richard Osband, a West Kensington resident, has started this new blog detailing concerns about the financial viability, the legal contracts and the housing allocations processes surrounding the Conservative Administration’s West Ken and Gibbs Green demolitions programme. Mr. Osband’s insights carry more weight than most because until the 27th January this year he was a member of H&F Council’s West Kensington and Gibbs Green Steering Company.

In his resignation letter to H&F Council, Mr. Osband explains “the Council has misled the public in the present consultation, that it has covered up the details of the draft CLSA [Conditional Land Sale Agreement].” He goes on to detail other serious concerns.

Mr. Osband had worked with H&F Council for the last two years. He was taken into the Conservative Administration’s confidence, attended many meetings with Capital and Capital & Counties Properties PLC (Capco), the developer, and led a team that sought to negotiate a good settlement for his fellow residents.
But he didn’t like what he saw. I have written to Cllr. Andrew Johnson (Con), H&F’s Cabinet Member for Housing and also to H&F’s director of housing to see what actions the Administration has taken to deal with Mr. Osband’s deeply worrying alligations. I will let you know if I get a response I am able to publish.

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